A1935-1MG Display Image

Photobiotin acetate salt, For labeling DNA probes for hybridizations

Code: A1935-1MG D2-231


Photobiotin acetate salt has been used to label DNA probes to perform DNA−DNA hybridization to determine genomic relatedness.

Biochem/physiol Action...

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€686.34 1MG
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Photobiotin acetate salt has been used to label DNA probes to perform DNA−DNA hybridization to determine genomic relatedness.

Biochem/physiol Actions

Photobiotin is a photo-activatable analog of biotin used primarily for labeling DNA, RNA and proteins. Probes prepared using photobiotin can detect target DNA as little as 0.5 pg.

Photobiotin acetate is capable of labeling single stranded DNA and linear or supercoiled double-stranded DNA.


Light sensitive.

General description

Photobiotin acetate is made up of biotin, which is bound with the help of a charged linker arm to a photoreactive arylazide group.

formfilm or powder
gradefor molecular biology
Quality Level200
SMILES stringCC(O)=O.CN(CCCNC(=O)CCCC[C@@H]1SCC2NC(=O)NC12)CCCNc3ccc(cc3[N+]([O-])=O)N=[N+]=[N-]
solubilityH2O: 10 mg/mL (Stable for at least 5 months if kept frozen and protected from light.)
storage temp.−20°C
Cas Number96087-38-6
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